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Model Retouching Service
Beauty retouching is probably one of the most popular application areas in which Adobe Photoshop is used extensively. There are two simple reasons for that. First, Photoshop offers a variety of advanced tools to smooth out skin and hair, optimize body proportions and emphasize some beautiful details. And second, if you have some experience with Photoshop it is easy to learn the basics and quickly produce very impressive and beautiful results.
Industry Vertical We are Serving
Model Retouching Service
Beauty retouching is probably one of the most popular application areas in which Adobe Photoshop is used extensively. There are two simple reasons for that. First, Photoshop offers a variety of advanced tools to smooth out skin and hair, optimize body proportions and emphasize some beautiful details. And second, if you have some experience with Photoshop it is easy to learn the basics and quickly produce very impressive and beautiful results. Of course, beauty-retouching is a quite deceptive art. The masters of Photoshop create illusions which are hard to tell apart — unless you have both a genuine photo and the final result in Photoshop and can directly compare them. In fact, every day we consume perfectly retouched stars and models online and offline which just look different in the real life.
Clipping Path Associate provides creative image editing which includes improvement in colors, brightness, or removing stains and scratch, yellowish or partial damage from the pictures. Appearance of models are similar to any other ordinary human being but the model retouching services gives an attractive and inducing look to the models. This is done by generating an additional selection path or mask of a specific area of the model which can be there skin, hands, face, legs or any other part of the model. Color corrections are done according to the impression of the image and client’s requirements. Starting from hair retouching in Photoshop to fixing any tiny mistakes in the photo, we do it accordingly based on client’s requirements. Commercial editing is closely connected with dramatic photo editing and HDR photo editing. We can give you 100% assurance that you can get the highest level of quality without giving a highly expensive photo retouching price. We will process the whole thing professionally and promise to keep your image secure.
Most of the professional photo needs beauty image retouching as even the most advanced modern equipment or camera or professional photography skills cannot ensure a successful photograph. Moreover, it is not possible to keep in mind all the tiny details while making photo clicks. These tiny little details create a hindrance for photographers to be satisfied and keep pride in their works. This is the primary reason of the arrival and existence of image editing programs and its continual use. Image retouching services is a must for Magazines, Fashion Models, Photographers and Agencies. We are experts at body reshaping and retouching, head shots, commercials, figure and facial work, magazine covers, photographer’s portfolios, Lingerie model retouching and glamour photo retouching. We do retouching of blemishes, scars, moles and freckles; removing wrinkles, double chin, stray hair; naturalizing the skin tone or tanning; create virtual weight reduction or slimming; removing red eyes and brighten eyes or clearing eye whites; whitening and repairing of teeth; correction of nose; reduction or enhancing of lips or breasts; addition of makeup, lengthen and darken lashes; removing background distractions; creating glossy magazine type airbrushing; color correction whether it is about lightening excessive dark photos or enhancing contrast. All kinds of editing and changes are possible in Clipping Path Associate to highlight the focus of an image as per client’s requirements.
Who needs Model Retouch?
- Models
- Actors
- Musicians
- Dancers
- Anybody who wants to look extraordinary
This image retouching services are used for mostly in private or commercial sectors. In case of private photos enhancing the natural beauty of a person is mostly the first priority of the clients but it’s a bit different for commercial photos. Whereas making the picture stand out attractive and alluring to the customer’s eyes is the first priority in case of commercial photos. There are many different programs which can be used for model retouching services but among all Photoshop is the best option. Nowadays, having a photogenic face is not enough for a perfect photograph so model image retouching is a basic requirement for all models even globally.
Steps OF Image Transformation
Retouching Of Blemishes, Acne, Scars, Moles And Freckles
The models that are portrayed in magazines must have a clear beautiful perfect skin, but due to excessive professional make-up they cannot keep a clear skin condition. Many of the young or professional ones also face skin irritation. The advance technology of Photoshop can remove any kind of spots of rashes or pimples and removal of all kinds of drawback which creates a hindrance in the model’s beauty is possible by our model retouching service to give them an incredible look.
Even Skin Tone
This is done after the retouching of blemishes or any spots from image. Once all the skin drawbacks are eliminated from the image, evening out the skin tone is a must which will bring out a professionally smooth final image leaving behind even the smallest reflection of spots on the image. The most vital issue to keep in mind while evening skin tone is that, this model photo retouching should be done naturally so that there is not even a single way to realize that editing was done.
Removing Wrinkles
Wrinkles are visible after an age and it is the most undesirable thing for every human being. It is a nightmare for models or actors to have wrinkles especially on their face or hand so it is a basic requirement for every model to hide it in whatever ways. However, all the photographers in the world find it very difficult to hide wrinkles even from people wearing heavy make-up. Therefore, taking help from a professional model photo editor is the only choice, who are specialized in professional model retouching service and can remove the age marks easily.
Naturalizing the Skin Tone
Light or the reflection or shadow of any object or equipment can sometimes destroy the look of the final image. Sometimes models are not photographed in the best environmental condition. The photo might be too dark or too pale. These problems are common for even the most experienced photographers as nobody can play with the natural environment or weather but only model image retouching by expert designers can help sort out these problems. The whole image is made natural by masking all the footprints of online retouching.
‘Virtual’ Weight Reduction
Body shaping and fitness is the desire of all men and women and especially in the magazine industry, this is a must for all models but naturally maintaining a fit body shape is sometimes very difficult for some people. We can adjust the model’s figure as desired by the customer whether it is enhancement or reduction of any part of the body. During photo session some body drawbacks are revealed but these can also be removed from the photo.
Remove red eye and brighten eyes
An essential step of model photo retouching is removing red eyes as red eyes are never accepted in any of the final commercial photos. Moreover, our expert designers make the eyes brighter so that it can give an alluring look and grab everyone’s attention. Without any doubt, eyes enhancement to a particular size based on the client’s requirements can make the picture more attractive and desirable.
Whitening and Repairing Teeth
Nothing else is more attractive than shining white sparkling teeth. A picture needs a perfect white smile! Smile is the biggest jewelry that any women can wear to get a beautiful picture, but if it’s with bad yellow teeth makes the picture look like a yellow dirty fellow. Application of teeth whitening and reshaping of not structured teeth can bring an awesome final image. In real life you might not have proper structured teeth or shining teeth but all these drawbacks of a model can be solved with Photoshop and our professional expert designers.
Addition of Makeup, Lengthen and Darken Eye Lashes
A popular trend started by fashion magazines is to have lengthy deep dark eyelashes and it is a dream every modern woman too. While doing model image editing, lengthening and darkening eye lashes is compulsory. Moreover, addition of makeup is also done to give a smooth finishing. The level of makeup added or changed is based on the client’s feedback. Some customer’s desire to have a natural look and expose their most beautiful features whereas some customer’s wants the model’s to be brighter and demand extra fantasy makeups. We can do it as you demand and customer’s satisfaction is our first priority and all kinds of changes and editing are possible in Photoshop.
Color correction, lightening dark photos and enhancing contrast
Different photo enhancement techniques are used in this step. The image will be made brighter or to give a deeper contrast to the picture it always depends on the client’s feedback. Each technique applied makes the image more bright and alluring.
Remove background distractions
Location or the environment where the picture is taken is a very important factor to give images a different amazing look. Sometimes, it happens that the background is not the way as photographers as expected and because of the background the image look dull. Choice of proper location differentiates professional photos from those who do it just as a hobby. Our specialized background removal designers are experts in deciding which background is suitable to match with the object in focus and can make the necessary changes as per client’s desires.
Glossy magazine type airbrushing
Artificial body images of different celebrities or models can be created with this technique. An amazingly gorgeous image outlook can be created which usually covers the cover page of magazines to make it more famous and attractive. Such kind of image enhancement is a requirement of almost all fashion retouching services.
Preview of some of our work
Here is some of our latest work, which we have done for the world’s biggest brands, companies, photographers, and editorial agencies.
Frequently asked questions
Everything you need to know about the product and billing.
Can you maintain the security of my files?
We have been serving our clients since 2011 and we have been maintaining the highest amount of professionalism. Therefore, they are the things about which we care the most
How to pay for the service?
We are offering a number of options for the payment, including PayPal, Visa, and MasterCard. You may pay according to your preference.
What if i want to resize the photos outside your service?
With the other service included, we have been offering certain complimentary services like resizing. When submitting your project, you can select from a number of free options, including resizing.
What is your privacy policy regarding on clients images and data?
We take our clients' privacy very seriously. Your photographs and data are safeguarded in accordance with our privacy policy, safely saved, and handled with strict confidentiality. This ensures that they are only used for the editing reasons for which they were intended.
How can i contact with your custommer supoort team to get to know about my additional queries?
Yes, you can send us an email with your contact details, our support team will call you. And also you can call us to the contact number given on the website.
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